Heeramandi: An Over Thought Out Review

Handwriting Dilemma

I was watching This Is Us earlier this week, and when Randall recognised a letter written by his mother because of her handwriting, it provoked a thought in me.

In school no, we all knew each other’s handwriting really well. There was no need to sign your name at the end of the note, we recognised handwritings and knew who had written what.

However, I barely know the handwriting of people who entered my life in the last 10 years. Some of them are close to me, and we meet and chill almost every week, we have shared secrets, and yet, I don’t know how they write.

This is such a handicap in my opinion, handwriting is such an important part of one’s personality and life. It doesn’t change over years, even today, if I see a letter written by my school friend, ill instantly recognise the handwriting, ill know who it belongs to. There’s a warm nostalgic feeling here, which makes me feel close to a person, sadly I cannot feel the same with all the new people in my life.

This is one of the biggest con of the digital revolution, I believe. How are the most basic things stripped away from us and we don’t even notice it?

Do you know how your loved ones write? Especially the ones who entered your life in the last few years?


  1. Interesting thoughts. I would know my families handwriting. But, you're right, it's becoming a lost art.

  2. I can recognize my mother, father, brother's handwritings. Not in the last 10 years. I also can recognize a handwriting by a person who went to elementary school in USA.

  3. Same as the previous comments. I think I'd also only be able to recognise my parents' writing, but that's about it. And you're right, it is sad that one part of one's personality is getting lost like this.

  4. I can recognize my parents' and my husband's handwriting, but that's it. I don't see anyone else's really because everything is digital. If I saw a handwriting sample of one of my siblings or best friend, I probably wouldn't know if was theirs. But, once I did know it was theirs, then I'd be like, "Oh yeah. That is how he/she/they write." Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. This is one of the things. I am really sad about in this age. As for my handwriting, it has gone from bad to worse. I have even bought an ink pen (and an ink bottle) to get it back on track!!

  6. I recognize my loved ones writing, but agree that I wouldn’t be able to tell with the new ones who’ve entered my life within the last 10 years. Very thought provoking!

  7. That's so true... I used to recognize everyone's handwriting too, but now I hardly even see handwriting! I know I would recognize my immediate family's writing, but definitely not most others.

  8. Very true.
    These days, we just have everything "e" like e-mails & messages & we see the typing skills!

  9. A few years ago, a particular user was creating trouble in a facebook group. The issue was, they were writing using an anonymous ID. We knew it was one of the members of the group bcos they seem to know things that happened even before they joined.

    Our admin found out who it was based on writing-style and other activities, and they accepted it too!

    So, if not handwriting, there are other ways to identify a person, even digitally.

  10. I know what you mean! I'll recognize the handwriting of friends from school because we were always passing notes in class and I'll also recognize my parents' handwriting, but besides my partner's signature, I don't really know what his handwriting looks like.

  11. Handwriting does have a very personal touch, I still keep all the hand written letters and cards I was given over the years.

  12. uff! that is something to think about !!

  13. So true. We don't often see each other's handwriting today!


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