Heeramandi: An Over Thought Out Review



Twilight is one thing a girl would die for. Can any girl resist a guy like Edward Cullen ever? I mean okay, I have heard guys saying its not worth the hype and stuff. And how can I actually fall in love with a vampire. But the truth is I am not in love with the vampire. I am actually in love with the vampire and the werewolf both. It’s the love they have for bella.

I was a bit late to start the twilight series. I thought it would be something like betraying my love for harry potter. But really,  harry potter is a different thing and twilight is a  different. And I am in love with both of them.

The love between the vampire and a human is so cute. And imagine sleeping in his arms every night is such a wonderful thing. The way he cares for bella, I am really very jealous of that. wish I had someone like that.

I am glad that I actually started the series, better late than never right? I am now half way through eclipse.. and I am loving it.


  1. I read a similar post somewhere .. i don't remember where exactly...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. awe now m also going to read it soon.. :)

  4. @ suree. oh yes..it does sound similar..oops sorry

  5. Well i think the girl is veterinarian or psycho. She loves wild things...;)

  6. Pooja, see the second movie, you will fall in love with jacob!!:P :P

  7. Hello Darling,

    I have not read or watched the Twilight series( I tried, it was not for me),however I immensly enjoy movies and storie with the "when a man loves a woman" theory!

    Sassy Chica

  8. i started recently too.. and fell in love with it.. i read all 4 books in a weeks time.. when you finish reading the fourth book - breaking dawn. you'll love edward and bella and jacob sooo sooo sooo much!! m waiting for u to finish.. and give reviews!!

  9. i love edward+bella

    i like jake but i love the love between edward and bella

    im on the last chap of new moon

  10. Hey Pooja, After reading Eclipse, do not forget to read Breaking Dawn, Its jus awesome!!


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