Heeramandi: An Over Thought Out Review

safe sex

India, Sept. 25 -- From desktop applications to "condom parties" - condoms have gone from the most embarassing six letter word to possibly the coolest word in town.

It started when a condom brand launched www.sendsomerubber.

com, a site that lets you send an application to friends which ensures that, whenever your friend chats about sex online or types out "sexy" words such as '69' or 'horny', a condom drops onto the screen with a message to promote safe sex. Peter McCann of Ansell Ltd, who is associated with the project, explains, "Sendsomerubber is an initiative to bring forth a message of safe sex.

" With 66,648 online rubbers already sent, the application seems to be a hit. On Facebook, an application named 'Send Your Friend A Condom' has over 30,000 users.

That's not all. Recently, a 'Cocktails and Kondoms' party was held at a popular nightspot in Delhi, with an aim to create awareness for safe sex among partygoers.

And, actor Ronit Roy, launched 'LOVE Condom', a campaign to promote AIDS awareness, in the Capital a few months ago. He said this generation is open about talking about sex and protection, "I've seen people go to chemists and ask for condoms in a hushed tone, but this generation is different".

Kaminey's Fatak song, which had actor Shahid Kapoor dressed up as a giant condom, has also been hailed for its message of safe sex.

courtesy - hindustan times


  1. safe sex... really important....and this generation is free using condoms cuz no one wants to end up with a dozen of byproducts ....

    and yeah also..that site was awesome... i sent to many of my friends...

  2. never heard of tht application before! wud google it for sure!

  3. nice message...safe sex is always important and safe!!!

  4. @ girl : hey u've been awarded.. collect it at my blog

  5. now thats interesting...never heard of this before!..cya around..chk my new post mam :)

  6. It's really a gud note... Ppl speaking up about safe sex means that they are getting educated... This is must in a country like India in which the population is growing at a alarming rate... Hope this open speaking grows in a positive manner...

  7. Safe sex is a good theme to work on.
    But is the overhype necessary?
    The elite and the educated know the value of 'rubber'.

    Infact the campaign must be hitting harder in the villages, which aint happening!


  8. Educating post indeed Pooja ! Nice and BOLD work !

    Do visit and join me at



  9. Hmm.. Thanks for sharing the info... I must say, though you are very young, but you come up with very mature topics...you've a very mature mind.. Keep it up Gal..

  10. 'Send Your Friend A Condom' has over 30,000 users. this is not the application by the KamaSutra condoms.. this wrongly printed in the news story.

    ... and the application that they have developed is Find Your Rubber on Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/findyourrubber/


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