Favourite Fries

Why it’s important to take a day off from work

It is not just about being a workaholic; working week after week without a break can take a toll on you. That’s exactly the reason why a number of people prefer to go for weekend away, vacations etc. I did this exact thing a couple of day ago and it did help me, that’s what inspired me to write this post.
I took a day off, sat home, binged watched series, did absolutely nothing and it felt really nice.

Here’s how it helped me and here’s how it helps,

Helps you focus better
Working nonstop can lead to a burn out. You need to pause and take breaks. The day off can let you calm down and keep your stress in control, this leads to you work better and focus better when you get back to work the next day.

Back with a bang
With that stress gone and after you spent a day doing things that you wanted to do you are more motivated the next day. You get to work with a positive attitude, ready to win that project and finish all the pending work.

Allows you to calm down and take care of yourself
Mental health is as important as physical, unfortunately you cannot call in work and ask them that you need a mental break. Calling in sick and explaining that you have a flu is still acceptable, but calling your boss and saying that you need a mental break is not acceptable. It is not a bad thing to want to relax and calm down, but relaxing equals to ‘chilling at the beach’ in today’s dictionary.

Have you ever taken a day off just to relax? Tell me about it in the comments below; you can also share what you did that day J


  1. You are bang on. Lovely post and is true to the fact actually. It really helps. I've taken breaks for a day and it worked for me too.

  2. I have always followed this rule but when you own your own business it becomes tough to cut off. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. It was terribly helpful on behalf of me. Keep sharing such ideas within the future similarly. This was truly what i used to be longing for, and that i am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such data with USA.

  4. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.


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